UU News
Chicago’s Meadville Lombard will combine with Boston-area Andover Newton in interfaith partnership.
Michelle Bates Deakin -
UU NewsMotion to change UUA district’s name falls short by 3 votes.Jane Greer
UU NewsSearch for former CEO Charlie Clements’s successor underway.Jane Greer
UU NewsDozens of events scheduled nationwide to celebrate the legacy of noted feminist, journalist, and Transcendentalist.Kimberly French
UU NewsSign up for UUSC’s Habitat for Humanity camp or volunteer to revitalize a downtown neighborhood in Minneapolis in June.Jane Greer
UU NewsUUSC president chosen to head Harvard’s Carr Center for Human Rights PolicyMichelle Bates Deakin
UU NewsThe Rev. Keith Kron on the fight for marriage equality and other aspects of Unitarian Universalist support for GLBT people.Jane Greer
UU NewsUnitarian Universalist seminary to discuss possible partnership with Boston-area Andover Newton Theological Seminary.Michelle Bates Deakin
UU NewsNew website, resources to help congregations rally local communities on behalf of marginalized people.Jane Greer
UU NewsGroup to help membership professionals grow Unitarian Universalism.Michelle Bates Deakin
UU NewsWith devalued endowments, schools in Berkeley and Chicago implement cost-cutting measures.Michelle Bates Deakin
UU NewsSinkford’s presidency focused less on institutional alliances, set up resources for churches seeking international partners.Jane Greer