UU NewsFederal jury faults Tim DeChristopher for blocking auction of oil and gases leases.Donald E. Skinner
Inspired by their minister’s story, activists at a New York church launch an abortion hotline that offers support without judgment.
Kimberly French -
UU NewsUnitarian Universalists demonstrate for LGBT rights, immigration reform, religious tolerance in first 'Standing on the Side of Love' Day.Michelle Bates Deakin
UU NewsDonations will support human rights activists fighting homophobia.Michelle Bates Deakin
A Unitarian Universalist minister is planting the seeds for a code of ethics for bioengineers, starting with Monsanto, the world's largest producer of genetically modified seeds.
Michelle Bates Deakin -
SpiritI couldn't help but connect the plight of these migrants to my own family history.Margaret Regan
Life'It is one thing to talk about immigration in the abstract and another to hear people's stories.'Donald E. Skinner
UU NewsCongregations becoming more aware of transgender issues, say advocates.Donald E. Skinner
UU NewsMembers of two N.J. Unitarian Universalist congregations host political asylum seekers as part of interfaith group.Jane Greer
IdeasAmerica's immigration system isn't simply broken. It's immoral.Daniel Stracka
The Rev. Ron Robinson’s unconventional church in Turley, Oklahoma, focuses on service.
Donald E. Skinner