In the midst of this global pandemic, as we hold the grief and weight of what is happening to the human community, it is clear that the pastoral is prophetic and the prophetic is pastoral.
Susan Frederick-Gray -
A magazine assembled at the start of a pandemic; changing our publication schedule.
Christopher L. Walton -
May you know that you are loved.
Julia Hamilton -
How might we make our way through this strange and scary time called COVID-19, resilient and pointed toward collective liberation?
Karen G. Johnston -
During the AIDS era, the saving presence of art in my life enabled me both to grieve full time and to serve as a minister full time.
Mark L. Belletini -
There are long timelines of history, punctuated by significant interruptions. The ‘Except.’ We are living in the Except.
Joanna Fontaine Crawford -
Coronavirus-related content from the Summer 2020 issue.
Careful attention to hiring practices has diversified the staff of the Unitarian Universalist Association and deepened its commitment to antiracism, antioppression, and multiculturalism.
Elaine McArdle -
It is essential that we find ways to breathe life into that which reminds us of our power, our humanity, our compassion, and our interdependence.
Susan Frederick-Gray -
Your congregation’s support for the UUA’s Annual Program Fund makes vital work possible. For the past 50 years, UU World has been a tangible thank-you for that support.
Christopher L. Walton