What in Unitarian Universalism’s central theology requires us to work toward building multicultural, antiracist Beloved Community?
Nancy Palmer Jones, Karin Lin -
We are less than twelve months away from the most critical elections in our lifetimes. We must not be on the sidelines.
Susan Frederick-Gray -
Readers respond to an erroneous photo caption, the legacy of the Transcendentalists, and the often forgotten Universalist Church of the Larger Fellowship.
Staff Writer -
UUA leaders have given the magazine and its other communications teams a mandate to prioritize and serve historically marginalized people working to undo the legacy of white supremacy culture in the UUA and beyond.
Christopher L. Walton -
The Transcendentalists practiced the art of forming and maintaining spiritual friendships transcending differences of gender, social location, theology, politics, and race.
John A. Buehrens -
Questions probing the heart of Unitarian Universalism.
Elandria Williams, Carey McDonald, The Rev. Mr. Barb Greve, Sofía Betancourt, Elías Ortega -
It is easy to hold up a light and declare that everyone is welcome. It is harder to build a place where everyone is truly at home.
Susan Frederick-Gray -
Like other young gay men of my generation, I had few role models in the 1980s. I’m wrestling with the reality that I am now an elder.
Kenneth Sutton -
If our justice work does not emerge from the moral and spiritual value of love, in the end it will reinforce practices of domination and violence, just in new forms.
Susan Frederick-Gray -
Simply by existing, it serves many others. For human beings, the work of the bodhisattva is a path of kindness, the choice to serve others as a way of life.
Stephanie Kaza -
Members of TRUUsT, an organization of transgender and nonbinary UU religious professionals, share their stories.