Book to note: ‘The Lively Place’

Book to note: ‘The Lively Place’

A fascinating look at the history of Mount Auburn Cemetery.

Sonja L. Cohen


Book cover "The Lively Place" by Stephen Kendrick

The Lively Place, by Stephen Kendrick. Beacon Press, 2016

Courtesy of Beacon Press

If you want to learn more about Mount Auburn Cemetery, you’re in luck. New from Beacon Press this April is The Lively Place (Beacon Press, 2016; $16), Stephen Kendrick’s fascinating look at the history of Mount Auburn and the legacy of its founders and residents. An appendix even includes a guide to help readers locate some of the cemetery’s most interesting residents.

Kendrick is senior minister of First Church Boston, Unitarian Universalist, and the author of Holy Clues and co-author of Sarah’s Long Walk and Douglass and Lincoln.
