A congregation bonds over its multiyear collaborative quilt project.
Sonja L. Cohen -
European Unitarian Universalists group helps expats and European fellowships find common ground.
Diane Daniel -
Putting holes in things that used to be solid is hard. Some days, there is broken glass everywhere. And not all of us are skilled with the metaphorical power tools.
Liz James -
Our young adult community retains its own identity, even as we weave ever closer with the larger congregation.
Julie Bero, Catherine Trossello -
Community is not just a cure for what ails us; it is also what ails us.
Christopher L. Walton -
If my role as an educator is my ministry, then every act of education is my prayer.
Sara M. Fawcett -
A Gary Snyder poem helps me find my way in our messed-up world.
Jeffrey A. Lockwood -
There has never been a better time to invest in groups that bring you joy, that strengthen you, that help you serve others, and that work for justice.
Christopher L. Walton -
When our values are threatened, a congregation is an anchor against despair.
Doug Muder -
UU News
UUs went to church in large numbers yearning for community, solidarity, and ways to serve.
Tina Porter