Nineteen years on, a church’s annual Christmas Day Dinner brings the community closer than ever.
Heather Beasley Doyle -
UU News
The Denton, Texas, Fellowship reconsecrated its building.
Kenny Wiley -
Where is your sanctuary in the midst of life’s catastrophes and chaos? How will you take the time to nurture your soul?
Alicia R. Forde -
Mission Peak is a congregation willing to ‘try things, mess up, and keep on trying.’
Kenny Wiley -
Democracy requires disagreement and the skills to manage it. Let’s model the best of that practice.
Kimberly French -
UU News
Liberal religions thrive from partnerships with non-traditional groups, faith leaders agree
Elaine McArdle -
A black UU and her mostly white church grow and change together, and challenge one another.
Michele David -
Saying ‘no’ can be powerful; it’s saying ‘yes’ that changes the world.
Jeffrey A. Lockwood -
UU News
Two Unitarian Universalist ministers lauded in competition for young social entrepreneurs.
Elaine McArdle -
True community doesn’t happen unless everyone is willing to give up some of their identity as an individual.
Cheryl M. Walker -
This issue of UU World goes to press as Americans try to fathom video of the traffic stop that led to Sandra Bland’s death.
Christopher L. Walton -
A Portland women’s group sewed its way to a religious home.
Heather Beasley Doyle