SpiritI wanted things to go back to normal. I wanted none of this to be happening.Meg Barnhouse
LifeThey will spring your traps with impunity and lie in wait just to show you who's in charge.Meg Barnhouse
SpiritI couldn't help but connect the plight of these migrants to my own family history.Margaret Regan
IdeasIf someone on an elevator asked you what Unitarian Universalism is, could you answer before one of you reached your destination?Doug Muder
EditorialShe stomped up and down the aisles until she saw her Christmas tree.Meg Barnhouse
SpiritIn a flash, memories of joy and sorrow mingle in thanksgiving.James Ishmael Ford
LifeThe real sting of death is the thought that all life’s possibilities were supposed to wait until I got around to paying attention.Doug Muder
EditorialGiving our time to our congregations can be spiritually transformative.
SpiritOur ability to break and heal keeps us alive and makes us stronger.David Pyle
IdeasWhere should we assign the burden of proof for ideas about the afterlife?Doug Muder
LifeI haven't played chess in decades, yet somehow I've ended up with a chess player's worldview.Doug Muder