Personal Stories

  • Spirit
    The only way to prepare for facing Alzheimer's is to remain attentive to the present moment.
    Laura Randall
  • Editorial
    We only find ourselves when we lose ourselves in service to something that transcends us.
    Peter Morales
  • Spirit
    A family holy enough to merit the highest forms of reverence.
    Nancy McDonald Ladd
  • Life
    A spiritual practice my wife and I cobbled together, the Unitarian Universalist way.
    Doug Muder
  • Spirit
    A paradoxical power is revealed in people the world despises, in people the world deems weak.
    Wendy Fitting
  • Life
    Maybe I went too far mixing V8 and Pop Rocks, but life isn't always sweet.
    Meg Barnhouse
  • Spirit
    There is a cricket playing the violin in my bathroom.
    Elizabeth Lerner Maclay
